Enhancing the Curriculum Toolkit provided by EEUK

The ETC Toolkit is a new online resource developed by educators and delivered by the University of South Wales, to share approaches that build skills and confidence in learners. Using QAA Subject Benchmarking Statements, it provides both teaching guides and subject-specific case examples.

The Toolkit brings together a bank of readily available resources to offer inspiration and support to staff as they look to use new approaches within the curriculum to extend subject knowledge, develop confidence and build skills within learners.

Building upon the UK Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Subject Benchmarking, the ETC Toolkit identifies enterprise skills that can be developed within each subject discipline.  Users are guided to a range of “tried and tested” teaching technique guides that support the development of these skills. The guides are complemented by real-life subject-based case examples. These case examples show how academics in your subject area work with their students and the impact that this has had on their learners.

Next Steps

You can explore the ETC toolkit by following the routing offered on the home page. This creates a pathway within your Subject area (through the QAA Subject Benchmarking) which will provide you with a selection of approaches aimed at developing graduate outcomes for your subject benchmarking statement.

However you can also explore the full Toolkit directly from the home page. Rather than selecting a subject, select the “ETC How to Guides” and scroll through the whole list. Each guide is listed with its descriptive name and also which of the QAA Thematic Graduate Outcomes from Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Guidance (2018) it supports. These are numbered 1-7 throughout this site and are listed as:

 1. Creativity and Innovation
 2. Opportunity recognition, creation and evaluation
Decision making supported by critical analysis and judgement
Implementation of ideas through leadership and management
Reflection and Action
Interpersonal Skills
 7. Communication and Strategy
 8. Data and Digital Skills

Take a look around!

Full Site Guide

By starting at the ETC Toolkit home page, you are invited to "Select your Subject" area which are presented under the following classifications.

 Agriculture and Veterinary
Business, Law and Accounting
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
Architecture and Built Environment

Click on the subject you have selected as best representing your course/teaching. Once you are through to this subject, you will see the range of QAA Benchmark Statements that we have listed in this area. Each of these are 'clickable' links so chose the programme that best reflects your teaching and click through to see the enterprise skills identified within the QAA Guidance for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education (2012) for your subject.

As you scroll down, you will see a suggested list of "How to Guides" that will address the skill development that the QAA benchmark statement identified as matching the thematic graduate outcomes listed within the QAA Guidance for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education (2018).

Click on right hand arrow to release the full "How to Guide". This will allow the details to unfold and you will be provided with the following details:

QAA Enterprise Themes:

The QAA Guidance for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education (2018) identifies 8 thematic approaches which support the development of enterprising behaviour, attributes and skills as graduate outcomes. They are:

 1. Creativity and Innovation
Opportunity recognition, creation and evaluation
Decision making supported by critical analysis and judgement 
 4. Implementation of ideas through leadership and management
 5. Reflection and Action
 6. Interpersonal Skills
 7. Communication and Strategy Skill
 8. Data and Digital

Group Size Recognising that the size of class can impact upon the selection of appropriate teaching methods, each guide provides an indicative group size.

- Small group working (4-6 in a team)
Individual task 
Large Group

Learning Environment This indicates which of the typical learning spaces that you are likely to be timetabled into, are most appropriate for this method.

- Lecture Theatre
- Presentation Space
- Carousel Tables (small working groups)
Outside Space
Specialist subject spaces

Title  This is the title of the technique, selected to provide an insight to the type of activity.

Objective Indicative learning objectives are identified for each activity.

Overview This short description is designed to help you understand the purpose of the activity and how it can be delivered.

Activity This section is your “how to” guide and provides all the information you need to deliver this in class.

Skill Development This section focuses on how the skills are developed within this activity and indicating key learning points and how to use reflection to deepen understanding of the process and the skills developed.

Resources You may require to prepare in advance for some activities. This may be as simple as reconfiguring the room, or might require the purchase of particular items.

References Where possible additional and supporting materials are provided to support you.

Author Many of these ‘tried and tested’ approaches have been generously supplied by colleagues to support the development of your learners. We thank all those who have, so willingly, shared their expertise.

Below the How to Guides you will find case examples from your subject area, or a related one. These provide outlines of how different techniques were used in teaching and the impact that this had on the students.

Within each Case Example you will find information as to how this approach was used. Details will include:

Group Size Each case study provides an indicative group size.

- Small group working (4-6 in a team)
Individual task
Large Group

Learning Environment This indicates which of the typical learning spaces are most appropriate for this method.

- Lecture Theatre
Presentation Space
Carousel Tables (small working groups)
Outside Space
Specialist subject spaces

QAA Enterprise Themes

The QAA Guidance for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education (2018) identifies 8 thematic approaches which support the development of enterprising behaviour, attributes and skills as graduate outcomes. They are:

 1. Creativity and Innovation
 2. Opportunity recognition, creation and evaluation
Decision making supported by critical analysis and judgement
Implementation of ideas through leadership and management
Reflection and Action
Interpersonal Skills
Communication and Strategy
 8. Data and Digital Skills


Objectives The learning objectives from the case example are outlined.

Introduction An outline of the case itself providing a short overview.

Activity A description of the activity and how the technique worked with the students.

Impact The impact on the students is explored.

Learner Outcome The outcome for the learners is described, making particular reference to the subject/discipline.

Resources The resources needed to deliver the activity are listed.

Author Most of the case examples are generously authored by those working directly with students.

You will now find the same support for Embedding Entrepreneurship.  This will include How To Guides and Case Examples.  It also provides the opportunity to submit your own examples to support others.

Below this support you will find Additional Resources. This section may include Case Studies of Good Practice in teaching practice, as well as useful Business Start-up Resources to support you and your students.